Swirling Whirling

February 22, 2021

In the absence of live church gatherings, my family and I have been practicing a brief reflective activity each evening. Recently the activity was choosing from a spread of about 30 reflection cards with art images on them. The idea was to pick the one that spoke to you in that moment.

Without thinking too much about it, I chose the one my eye kept returning to, the one pictured above. On the back the artist, Aletheia Mellott, had titled the piece “swirling whirling” and had identified it as a “Transitions” card. I just kept looking at it. In the swirling and whirling of the paint strokes, I noticed a portal – a way through. And that way felt calm to me, like the eye of a storm.

Truly I have seen and experienced the presence of God leading our organization through this time of pandemic, uncertainty, staff and volunteer transitions in ways that make me pause and whisper holy gratitude. I’m also aware of the swirling and whirling our families experience on a nearly weekly basis with housing, childcare, work, scheduling, relationships, wellness, and other dynamics that are unique to their family.

That is why we celebrate each time they identify their way forward. Perhaps their portal is Bridge of Hope, but they are the ones choosing to walk across the bridge with courage and resolve. And their children grow up knowing there is a way being made for them as well. Thank you for making this possible.

I give thanks to God for being the One who makes a way where there seems to be no way. And if you find yourself in a swirling and whirling time, I pray you find a portal and feel God’s presence walking with you.

Swirling Whirling