We work tirelessly to connect with as many local agencies as possible, to learn, to share resources, and to strengthen our program to help our families reach their strategic goals. However, there are a few key partnerships we want to highlight.

Strategic Partnerships

Continuum of Care 513

We meet regularly with agencies working with unhoused in our communities in our region of the Commonwealth to learn together and provide resources to enhance our work.


Everence consultants provide financial management workshops for our families annually.

Explore More Discovery Museum

Explore More generously gifts each graduating family a one year family membership upon graduating from the program.

Harrisonburg City Homeless Coalition

We meet regularly with city officials and agency leaders to address the needs of the unhoused in our community. The current point of discussion is affordable housing.

Harrisonburg-Rockingham Living Wage Campaign

We are a gold level living wage certified employer and value the work of this campaign to raise awareness, and support employers and workers.

The Community Foundation, Harrisonburg-Rockingham

We are grateful for the work of TCF in supporting us through our participation in the Giving Back Book and the Great Community Give.

United Way of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County

We are excited to be a United Way funded partner. As part of United Way’s focus on the ALICE population in our community, we also participate as part of the ALICE Coalition for Harrisonburg and Rockingham County.


Church Partners (2010-Present)

Beaver Creek Church of the Brethren

Bridgewater Church of the Brethren

Community Mennonite Church

Cooks Creek Presbyterian Church

Divine Unity Community Church 

Edom United Methodist Church

First Church of the Nazarene

First Presbyterian Church

Grace Mennonite Fellowship

Harrisonburg Baptist Church

Harrisonburg Mennonite Church

Lindale Mennonite Church

Massanutten Presbyterian Church

Montezuma Church of the Brethren

Mt. Carmel United Brethren in Christ Church

Mt. Olive Brethren Church

Muhlenberg Lutheran Church

Park View Mennonite Church

Ridgeway Mennonite Church

Shalom Mennonite Congregation

St. Stephen’s United Church of Christ

The Church of the Incarnation

Trinity Presbyterian Church

Trissels Mennonite Church

Weavers Mennonite Church

Zion Mennonite Church