Living Bridges

July 25, 2023

Recently, I came upon a post in a David Attenborough group about living bridges in the Indian state of Meghalaya. The bridges are made of rubber fig trees, which are very elastic and have aerial roots. The trees take 10-15 years to construct, have held up to fifty people at a time and have a lifespan of several hundred years.

These bridges are a saving grace in areas like Meghalaya, which receives up to 1150cm of rainfall annually and is known as the “wettest place on earth.” They provide a place of safety, security, and resilience. On one hand, it’s astounding. On the other hand, of course this is possible!

These bridges captured my imagination, thinking about the time, intention and creativity in each design as well as the many hands working to weave it together. What does it mean to be a small but vital part of something so enduring?

As I looked at the photos of the woven roots, I saw the hands of community coming together to form a safety net, a connection through separation, and something beautiful and living.

This is my whole prayer for all that happens in the life of this organization/organism known as “Bridge of Hope.” Whether it’s neighboring volunteers and a family sharing a meal, board members making important governing decisions, staff engaging in the daily work of connecting, growing and resourcing, or someone deciding where to invest their donation – it all matters. It all builds something vital in that liminal place between heaven and earth.

Nothing we do at Bridge of Hope is a solo effort. Thank you for being part of building and nurturing this living bridge of hope in our community.

To read more about these bridges and see photo credits (Prasenjeet Yadav), visit this article. 

Living Bridges